Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dissidents in Denver

If there is ever a time to stage a protest, the Democratic National Convention is certainly one. It is one the largest assembly of political heavyweights and media giants in one place for an extended period of time. And some activists have certainly gotten that message:

Yesterday, a pro-life and anti-gay marriage group sparked controversy when they gathered on 16th Street in front of the Sheraton hotel. As they shouted things like “homo-sex is sin", they also traded insults with a group of unconnected pro-choice Denver residents and convention goers. The taunting and bickering between the two groups certainly made those in the area take notice. And a few Denver residents told me they hadn’t see things get that intense before. But the police had things under control and every protest has to get a permit from the city so I’m sure the group wasn’t unexpected.

On Sunday fewer then 1,000 anti-war protesters marched between the state capital and the Pepsi Center. The number was less than expected, but hasn't been the only time activists have made a show during the convention.

Almost all of the DNC activities are centered in a few buildings in downtown Denver, and close to those buildings are all the hotels where delegates, donors, and members of the press are staying. During the day one is bound to run into several activist groups holding up a sign reading “Make Love not War” or “Impeach President Bush”. A group from PETA was driving around in costumes of pigs to protest animal cruelty. The activism spans the ideological spectrum, but doesn't compare to the attention grabbing protests of the 60's. A reporter who covered the conventions in 2004, said the level of protests and activists activities is nothing compared to those sparked when the Republican National Convention came to New York. Go figure.

And where there is a protest there is bound to be people like me documenting the event. Take a look at a few pictures of protests throughout the week:

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What CNN doesn't show you.

So what better way to kick off my blog but reporting from the Democratic national convention. Check back for more updates.

I first became a political junkie during the last presidential election, when I watched both parties' conventions from my living room couch. But this time around, as I saw the convention live, I noticed a few things that CNN didn’t show me four years ago.

1. It’s like a rock concert. The Democratic National Convention reminded me of the first time I watched a concert live (it was Mariah Carey with my friends’ parents). Like any major performance, the amount of people in one space makes everything slightly chaotic. And of course, the convention will overcharge you for buying a box of nachos, a hot dog or even a beer to take with you into the stadium. The amount of Obama merchandise on hand was unbelievable.

2. It’s one big reunion. There are almost as many people inside the stadium listening to the speeches as there are outside networking with colleges. And the Pepsi Center is certainly equipped to handle the schmooze fest. There are televisions everywhere airing the convention so that people can both have a drink with a friend and watch what’s going on in the arena. Some groups represented at the convention have their own special clubs with an open bar and lounge.

3. Tight message control. Now maybe I was naive, but when I watched the convention four years ago from home, I thought that the fact that everyone in the audience would hold up the same sign at the same time was a miracle of the crowd’s collective thought. But really there are staff members walking around in orange jackets handing out signs to match the order of the various speakers and themes presented throughout the night. They started with “Change we can believe in” and ended with “Michelle,” of course.

4. Security and lunchroom politics are one and the same. Everyone who gets into the Pepsi Center wears a badge stating where in the Pepsi Center they are allowed access. If you a lowly reporter from a not-so-important publication, you may get a badge that says "Arena." The prized badge is the one that reads "Floor," giving you access to anywhere in the stadium. People who have those are mostly delegates or VIPs. “Special Guest” and “Honored Guest” allow you access to the second and third levels of the arena.

5. The party doesn’t end at the Pepsi Center. There are after-parties and after-after parties for the various groups represented at the convention. (Delegates, Black Caucus, Finance Committee, press, etc). Some are exclusive, with catered food and live bands like N.E.R.D, the Goo Goo Dolls and Fallout Boy. Someone put it to me like this: “The Democratic National Convention is like the Super Bowl for nerds.” I tend to agree.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

In the begining there was there was Triple N

I often tell those who ask me about my interest in Journalism about where it first began. I was a third grader home on a rainy day, and I decided to make my own newspaper called "The Naomi Nix News," or as I would say "Triple N" for short. There were no videos, fancy layouts or even pictures for that matter. It was just nuts and bolts about my family. Though the newspaper didn't have a long lifespan, my passion for journalism has persisted. And as I reject m0re lucrative careers, I realize that there is no other field I would rather be in. Check in periodically to keep up with the stories I have already told and the ones I'm working on now.